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Paul Has Fun

Thanks for stopping by and spending time with me.

Jan 27, 2020

Jason G and I give a spoiler review of Guy Ritchie's latest  gangster comedy.    What did we think?    Find out.

I apologize in advance, I've been recovering from the flu and I get into a coughing fit in this episode.

What is this movie about?   Find out here. 

Jan 26, 2020

As the title says, on this episode I discuss my 3 goals for 2020.   This may change as the year continues, we shall see.

Here's a link to my 2019 goals I set last year around this time. 

Thoughts? Comments? Do so on the blog here  ...Or you can contact me by calling, texting...

Jan 22, 2020

Jason G, Brother Mark and myself review Bad Boys For Life.   Was this the best in the series?   Tune in to find out.

Find out more about Bad Boys for Life 

Thoughts? Comments? Do so on the blog here ...Or you can contact me by calling, texting or...

Jan 19, 2020

Monies made/spent on eBay in 2019


Sales $4099.74

Storage Room costs $2496.00

eBay Fees $1660.83

PayPal Fees 371.62

Shipping Supplies $100

Sourcing $500


Total -$1028.71 - Lost Money 

With that being said, I am making changes to my eBay store which you can find here. 

Here is an update from my...

Jan 13, 2020

1917 is Sam Mendes' latest film. It's received a fresh tomato on As of this writing, it's the number one film in the U.S. box office. Also the winner of two Golden Globes. One for Best Director and another for Best Motion Picture.

Find out more about the film's plot here. 
