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Paul Has Fun

Thanks for stopping by and spending time with me.

Apr 8, 2021

Tony Polanco is a video game journalist born and raised in the Dominican Republic. He and his family moved to the US in 1987.

My parents are from the same country. Listening to content creators such as Tony, being where he's from, coming of age in NYC, is inspiring to me—having grown up similarly.

I discovered him early last year(2020) while listening to Gamertag Radio with Danny Pena(find my conversation with Danny here). His NY swag and deep insight into the video game industry hooked me. On this podcast, we discuss games, comics, going to events, and more.

Reach out to Tony on Twitter here.

Check out the Throwdown podcast here.

Thoughts? Comments? Do so on the blog here ...Or you can contact me by calling, texting or through WhatsApp 1-201-472-0429. If you leave a voicemail please be aware, you only have 3 minutes. This is a US number.

Contact me by email here 

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