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Paul Has Fun

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Apr 4, 2019

On this episode I discuss my biggest takeaways from Erik Wahl's fantastic book 'The Spark and the Grind.'    If you're a creative type like me, you will like this!

I also review one of my early favorite films of 2019, 'The Kid Who Would Be King.'

Thoughts? Comments? Do so here  .. or you can contact me by calling, texting, or WhatsApp at 1-201-472-0429. If you leave a voicemail please be aware, you only have 3 minutes.   This is a US number.

Affiliate LINKS & Regular Links

Purchase and Read 'The Spark and the Grind' 

See 'The Kid Who Would Be King' here 

Gary Vee's Interview of Erik Wahl 

John Lee Dumas interview of Kate Northrup.   'Do Less, Have More' 

Tim Schmoyer and the Video Creators podcast(recommended if you're looking to grow your YouTube audience) 

Here are my biggest takeaways from Mark Manson's 'Models' book 

Rob Dial's Mindset and Motivation podcast 

Tony Robbins 6 basic human needs  

Purchase/Rent/Stream and watch 'The Kid Who Would Be King' 

Here is Joe Cornish's other marvelous movie 'Attack the Block.'   A mixture of teen/horror/sci-fi genres.   Purchase/Rent/Stream 


Email me at 

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