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Paul Has Fun

Thanks for stopping by and spending time with me.

Jul 21, 2022

On this episode I discuss my biggest takeaways from Dr. Natasha Campbell-Mcbride's book 'Put Your Heart In Your Mouth.'    I also discuss my food journey when it comes to the fear of cholesterol, strokes and heart attacks.

You can support both the author and myself by buying the book here 

Jan 16, 2019

These are 5 of my takeaways from Charles Duhigg's book 'Power of Habit.'


Find the book for sale here: 


Thoughts? Comments? Do so on the blog at

Jun 2, 2018

Thoughts? Comments? You can contact me by calling or texting 201-429-0274. If you leave a voicemail please be aware, you only have 3 minutes.

Email me at ..

Join the conversation on the blog (and find the full show notes)by going here  ..Thanks for...

May 29, 2018

Thoughts? Comments? You can contact me by calling or texting 201-429-0274. If you leave a voicemail please be aware, you only have 3 minutes. Email me at ..Join the conversation on the blog (and find the full show notes)by going here    ..Thanks for...

Sep 29, 2017


These are five of my takeaways from David Deida's 'Way of the Superior Man'.

Read the book yourself, get it here

Find all of my 'biggest takeaways' at

You can contact me by calling to texting 201-429-0274. If you leave a voicemail please be aware, you only have 3...