Nov 26, 2019
This is my conversation with Danny Pena. Hall of Fame podcaster(inducted in 2015). He(alongside Paris Lilly)are the hosts of Gamertagradio. A long running podcast covering the video game industry.
This was a bucket list conversation. In this episode I pick his brain on podcasting. We dig into his...
Nov 17, 2019
On this episode I review both Doctor Sleep and Terminator: Dark Fate. Jason G. does chime in with his thoughts on Doctor Sleep. Are this films any good? Find out here in our spoiler reviews.
Thoughts? Comments? Do so on the blog here ...Or you can contact me by calling, texting or through...
Nov 4, 2019
Bling Evo is a dancer, choreographer, lecturer I've known for some time. A person who has always treated me warmly and with respect.
In this episode we delve into this remarkable dancer's past, present and future. Also his current DH Evolution 876 course, which is much more than another dance class.
You can find...
Nov 4, 2019
These are pictures I took in Union Square during the Halloween parade(in NYC). I love how willing people are to be photographed. Thank you strangers! I appreciate you all for posing for my camera.
Having trouble seeing the video? Visit the blog at
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