Mar 30, 2017
I saw the original Beauty and the Beast on VHS while I was living in Washington Heights. I was in my late teens. I remember the movie bringing me to tears. I’m a sap for romance. I saw this movie with my friend Kathy. I reviewed Fantastic Beasts and La La Land with her. She is a super fan of Beauty and the...
Mar 27, 2017
Episode#55. These are 4 weird stories I've found online. To see the show notes for this episode please click here --->
You can contact me by calling to texting 201-429-0274. If you leave a voicemail please be aware, you only have 3 minutes. Email me at
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Mar 20, 2017
I was jazzed about seeing this, but not so much by the end. Check out the review.
Thoughts? Comments? You can contact me by calling to texting 201-472-0429. If you leave a voicemail please be aware, you only have 3 minutes. Email me at
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Mar 16, 2017
There’s a particular type of John Legend song which I enjoy. Those tracks in which he sings over hip hop beats. This mixtape is a collection of some of those songs. There are some other more r-n-b style tunes, which I think are great and are included.
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Mar 14, 2017
YouTube Red vs. Podcasts as a research tools, education or entertainment. Youtube Red offers a feature which allows you to to listen/watch videos offline. A wi-fi signal or cell service is not required after you download the YouTube content. You can also watch/listen to the material with the screen off, in the...